Registration is Open for Summer Programs!

Please contact us if you have any questions!


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An addition to all the feels from competition yesterday... as soon as Mattea walked off stage in tears (after forgetting her solo halfway through), I ran back to scoop her up into my arms. I walked in & saw her crumpled on the floor in Miss Kyleigh’s arms & I was immediately told they were going to let her go back on for a second attempt. I rubbed her back & ran back in to watch her go again. She didn’t even know I was there...and I was so thankful she didn’t. On our way home she told me that after the director told her she could try again, she said she didn’t want to, but Miss Kyleigh said “Yes you are!” And she did. It’s a little easier to let go of your children when you know they’re in the hands of others who genuinely care for them. I don’t know how other studios care for & love on their students... but I know I don’t want to find out.



I love how Kyleigh, Jess and Junie love on our children and believe in them, encourage them and pray for and with them!



Thank you so very much to you teachers!!! Your patience, guidance & words of encouragement for these young students is incredible! I am in awe of how you girls never stumbled with such a long day and all the work you do leading up to these events. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU


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